Wednesday, 4 March 2009

My mum is a big fat liar!

She is, she DID promise she'd take me to the zoo tomorrow and dad shouldn't have sent me to bed!
He is well grumpy and old! I hate him! If he had called the zoo like I told him too he'd know the lions get fed at 11 in the morning. Stupid old grumpy dad.
I'm fed up!



  1. why dont you tell the truth and not lie because it will get you in even more big trouble

  2. oh well bradley if mymum was a liar i wont call her bad things mate

  3. do not lie tell the truth for once

  4. If i was you mate dont called her big fat liar thats just mean,

  5. I know that you dont whnt you'r mom to go to parents confrance day and why but i dont think its right for someone to say ANYTHING nasty about you'r mom and dad,
    everyone gets anoyed with there perents!
    try thinking how you would feel isf you had a son and he called you a 'big fat liar'
    it wouldnt be nice would it?
